Where Can I Serve?

Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as washing the church vehicles, to preparing the church bulletins.  

Pastor’s Aide Ministry The pastor’s aide ministry consists of men and women of the church, regardless of age who are willing to raise funds to assist the pastor financially. They help with planning activities for the pastoral anniversary services. The Pastor’s Aide Ministry stands ready to serve and meet the needs of the pastor at all times.
The Usher Ministry
Consists of both minors and adults assisting members and guest with their needs as far as demographics, and custodial needs. They help to ensure that our services run smoothly and without incident. They also travel with the pastor on occasion and usher at other churches. They are our Angels in The Aisles.
Brotherhood Ministry
The purpose of the Brotherhood Ministry is to build unity and fellowship amongst the men of the church and those that we fellowship with and to build strong relationships with the younger men and boys in the church.
Women of Zion
Our Women’s Ministry is centered on making every woman feel loved, accepted, encouraged, empowered and equipped to pursue a personal, passionate and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To respond with gratitude for that relationship by serving others in love, and striving to bring more souls to Christ.Sunday School Ministry
The Sunday School is one of the teaching arms of the church, it meets each Sunday at 8:45 (no Sunday School on 5th Sundays). In Sunday School we study God’s word in a systemic way. The lessons have been prepared in a way that will take you through the whole bible. Sunday School teachers meet mid-week to discuss the upcoming Sunday’s lesson and share ideas for delivery to their respective classes.
Missionary Ministry
Education and outreach is the focus of our Missionary Ministry. They meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. A lesson is prepared and taught but they also address the needs of the community to help in any way possible. They visit the sick and shut in and nursing homes and are always looking for new members to grow the ministry.
Red Circle and Sunshine Band
Red Circle is geared towards girls aged 5-8 and the Sunshine Band is for girls between the ages of 9-18. This ministry provides Christian training. Instilling faith, morals and biblical life principles at an early age.
Discipleship Ministry
This group works along with the pastor in orientating the new members into our fellowship, upon completing discipleship, new members are introduced into Sunday School and various ministries of the church.
Music Ministry
Under the Music Ministry there are 3 choirs and musicians:
(1) The W.L. Johnson Inspirational Mass Choir – Adults from 18 and up
(2) The Youth Choir – age 4 up to 17
(3) Male Chorus – Pre-teen and up
The choirs are responsible for setting the tone of the service, preparing the hearts of the congregation to receive the preached word through songs of praise and worship. If you are musically inclined vocally, play an instrument and feel a calling on your life to minister in song, this is the place for you.
Bible Class
Designed specifically for teaching Christians and non-Christians the word of God. This class mostly led by our Pastor, is held on Wednesday nights at 6 p.m.
Singles Ministry
This ministry is comprised of the unmarried men and women of the church and geared to helping them with common issues while delving into the word of God we strive to find answers to those everyday problems that we face. The Singles ministry also participates in social gatherings and fellowships with singles ministries from other churches.
Marriage Ministry The marriage ministry is designed to help build better relationships between husbands and wives. There are topics of discussion that will help cultivate stronger bonds within the marriage.
Deacons tend to the physical and logistical needs of the church and serve as advisors to the pastor, they help the pastor in meeting the needs of the congregants.
The wives of the deacons, they assist the deacons and pastor in services rendered to the families, helping to prepare communion and feeding the sick and shut in.
Children’s Church
Offers an opportunity for children to participate in worship experiences on their level. Children are encouraged to participate in activities that are fun and educational. Group interaction is encouraged so that children can be comfortable in expressing love for God and one another, both alone in God’s presence and collectively.